The Inspiration to complete my first book
Posted on 11th December 2020 at 15:11
A true story... In October 2019, I spent some volunteer time with a group of full-time carers who support their spouses and/or adult children with additional needs. Their spirit and humanity shone as they spoke of exhaustion, love and the sheer effort to keep going and live each day as it came.
I provided respite through laughter wellbeing, laughter group exercises (seated, without joke-telling) and calm relaxation in between. When you are laughing, you are in the moment. There is zero stress, only the joy of shared laughter.
There were tears, there were smiles, laughter and connection. It was personally the highlight of my work last year. I still work as a carer a few hours each week, but their stories, resilience, sheer energy and determination took my breath away. Their care work was full-time and many had cared for decades. They loved the laughter session and how much better they felt.
They eagerly asked me for more resources, and how they could continue lengthening their laughter so they could access the benefits at home. I told them I had started writing a book. The carers told me to get a move on! so they could get a copy and continue to laugh more...
13 months later...I am utterly overjoyed that I did it. I have published 48,000 words and here is my book...printed, in Kindle format, and soon, as an audio book (narrated by me).
The book took many, many hours of work and I underestimated what was required. There was lots of personal growth through writing and a deep sense of accomplishment and joy. I can't quite believe it yet. I am grateful for all the support that surrounded me, that energised me and kept me going to finish the book. Thank you also to all those who shared their stories for the book. I am grateful to have laughed with you.
If you can share this post, it will help me to get the book out far and wide. And if you read it, I would love an honest review too!
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